Wednesday, April 27, 2011



just saying that you're attending and about how many friends are coming along with you. THX A BUNCH! 

ok, so needless to say I'm uber-excited about the Luau; I started taking pics of our yard thinking about how we'll decorate and thought I'd share a sneek peek of what to expect when you come. This party in particular will be held at my house since it's kinda tropical-y in my "back n' ard" (haha! that's how my little brother used to say backyard when he was a toddler.. shh, don't tell him I told) Here are a few pics that I took that I wanna share with all of you :)
This little cozy pathway is where we will all walk through before getting to all the F-U-N that awaits in the backyard. It'll be decorated with lights, lanterns, beads and some other cute stuff.

This Secret Garden is a special spot that's hidden in my yard used exclusively for meditation, God's word, relaxing and prayer. He's made it clear that it should be shared with all of you, so this spot will be waiting with open arms for anyone who cares to enter it. Someone will be in here at all times waiting to talk and/or pray with you. This life can get tough and sometimes we just need to vent and receive peace about our circumstances; this is where you'll be able to do both.

This is just a snippet of what will be in the yard and around your necks (coconut & sea shell bras not pictured haha) on May 7th. Everything is so vibrant and colorful - I love it!

Well, I can't wait to see all of you at our first annual Luau. Please invite as many friends that you can get your hands on, everyone is invited (all girlies of course) the MORE the MERRIER!

P.S. If for some reason you don't get to RSVP by May 4th but still want to come, by all means don't let that stop you from joining in on the fun. Come anyway! =)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

1st Princess Bible Study was a SUCCESS! (4-11-11)

Sorry, I had been meaning to post this sooner but got a little caught up with my week! I hope to see all of you TOMORROW at 6:30 for our 2nd Bible Study, Monday, April 18th; it will be interesting! We'll also be incorporating ideas for our very first annual LUAU. yay! <3

Monday, April 11, 2011



Hi lovelies!! I'm glad you're checking in. Ok, now for some deets on this fabulous PAR-TAY that He's throwing just for Y-O-U!
We will be having tons of fun in a tropical garden doing everything from playing Hawaiian themed games, eating lotsa Hawaiian themed food along with the chance to WIN PRIZES!

There will also be a special Secret Tropical Garden that will be exclusively set aside for prayer. Maybe you need someone to pray with ("For where two or three come together in My name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20), would like to know more about your authority and value as a Princess, would like to know how to receive salvation or maybe you just needa talk to someone and vent about circumstances, either way all of us are welcome to that special spot and time with God; there will be someone there at all times to greet, talk and pray with you.

I can't wait to celebrate God's promise over our LIVES with all of you! "The dead from the cold nights of winter will rise up again with the Son" -Your Majesty. That's our theme behind the LUAU that He personally gave. The dead hopes, dead dreams, dead circumstances that fell dead this past winter will RISE UP AGAIN with HIM THIS GOD-BREATHED SEASON OF SPRING - you just have to put your HOPE, TRUST AND FAITH ALL IN HIM.

This is a chance for great fellowship and fun for all of us girlies. We are being given the chance to "encourage one another and build each other up" 1 Thessalonians 5:11 through the celebration of His promise, our Luau. You will leave with more true friends than you came in with and full of the Spirit He will be pouring over us that day. I love you (even though I may not know some of you, I love you with His heart & love) and I look forward to the TRUE FUN we will have all in the name of JESUS THE CHRIST, RISEN LORD AND KING!

Note: Your precious little angels are always more than welcome at every Princess Bible Study; they have their own little activity to do while you learn :) The parties will be the only time that mama has to find a sitter; each party that we throw will always be a time for you to get away and have a lil' fun (more like a lotta fun haha) w/o the munchkins or significant other/boyfriend/hubby =)  

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Thanks to the help of some special friends and fam, we finally completed the pretty, pretty Princess invites! Yay! All of our SunDAY & SuNIGHT went into making each invitation by hand. For those of you that don't know the story behind this Bible study, I'll give you a little snippet as to why it had to be done by hand and not ordered or simply printed. I will be sharing the full testimony behind this vision & tiny dream (that God is birthing into something GINORMOUS) at the first Princess Bible Study on Monday, April 11th.

Well, it must be said that every idea from the different types of invitations to the wording on the invites, the designs, the various future parties, the upcoming store and ALL that will be inside it, the ministry, the ministry's name (My Majesty's Ministry) and so many other things that are unfolding right before my very eyes, are NOT TO BE CALLED MY OWN IDEAS. My mind could not think up such beautiful meaning or fun in a matter of weeks. It is the unfolding of God's promise on the lives of people who love Him and some pieces of the puzzle are fitting together from revelation that was given 5 + years ago! It brings to mind the promise in Philippians 1:6 "being confident in this, He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of CHRIST JESUS."

My dream was instilled in my heart more than 5 years ago (along with Africa - that story later) and it was to have a Bible study exclusively for women showing them their true worth in Christ. To show them that He loves us more than the sun, moon and stars that He taught how to shine, that we are more valuable than diamonds, rubies and pearls, therefore we must walk in that truth and shine accordingly - live as the royalty that He so calls us to be through His Son and REPRESENT! lol

So, to make a long story even longer, when I decided to gather my thoughts in my journal, (which I had felt led to do several times before but never actually did) my pen touched the paper and took off writing at speeds I've never seen (it kinda reminded me of that episode in Saved By the Bell where Jesse Spannow is writing notes or taking a test and smoke starts coming out of the pencil cuz she's writing so fast hahah) and my fingers were almost idly gliding and flipping through pages! haha I know it sounds weird, but I'm being serious; within minutes I had a virtual Bible study put together along with a lesson plan, super fun parties, ideas, and pieces of other things that didn't have exact meaning quite yet, but I was told just to write, ("it'll make sense later," He said) so for the first time in five years, I OBEYED when it came to doing what I was supposed to do with this study.

One of the things mentioned in all of this is that I am to make all the invitations by hand; each one is to have a different theme, but every one is to SPARKLE and look like something fun, personable and beautiful. They'll be everything from scripture to christian and secular music verses. As He spoke few words, the influx of images ran through my mind like crazy - so many things that in that moment I wished I knew how to draw so that I could get them out of my mind and sketch them on paper! I tried but it didn't give the images any you can see haha
The more I shared this dream and what God was doing with the people that I love and trust, the more the dream began to GROW and GROW and GROW, and before I knew it what started out as a pea-sized dream inside my heart had turned into something bigger than I would have ever fathomed. Pieces of the puzzle started fitting and forming and those things that He told me would "make sense later" DID and even in this very moment as my fingers type on this keyboard, the dream is still unfolding.

I can't wait to share all that God is doing with you all. It's exciting living out the adventure of a lifetime with Almighty God Himself. I literally wake up every morning looking forward to what He's going to bring on next ... because I know that whether it be good or bad, He promises that it will ALL work together for my good because I LOVE HIM. (Romans 8:28) And after all this life is not about me, it's about Him :) There is nothing that this world can offer that even comes close to the peace, love, hope and future (Jeremiah 29:11) that He promises. My innermost desire is to see you give your heart and dreams to Him so that He may do a great thing in you too! Trust Him with your innermost thoughts, hopes and desires and He will water that little garden in your heart to flourish and bear much fruit that will change the world! He makes all things new! (Colossians 3:1-4, Revelation 21:5) Love you, Beloved Princess! <3

Thank you Melissa, Gloria and Monica for adding your personal touch to each invitation and helping out; I couldn't have done it without you! Angel gets a prize for being the most patient little boy trapped in an office with four women making princess invitations lol

This is Gloria, A.K.A. Speedy Gonzalez haha! I'm with Monica when I say I think you gave us all a complex after seeing how fast you get things done lol! No, but for real, Gloria, thank you so much for all your help on such short notice and for donating all the crafts that you did! I pray God continues to bless your giving heart and mulitiplies all that you gave in exceeding abundance.
Me and my wonderful princess self (project behind the crown I'm wearing - stay tuned!) uber-excited about the completion of invitations!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Once Upon A Time In A Castle Far, Far Away...

Please call Eliza at 956-299-1094 for directions.
See you there, Princess! :)