Friday, May 13, 2011


Yes, those were His exact words as He gave me idea for party after party to have all in the name of the Risen Lord and King. As I wrote, He said "Luau" and I said "Why a Luau, Lord? What's the biblical significance in that?" and He said, "Because it's Spring. The DEAD from the cold nights of winter will RISE UP again with the sun/Son." This left me in complete and utter amazement at not only at the fact that I was receiving prophecy, but that God can turn anything He wants into something that glorifies Him. What shouldn't, WILL.. and what wasn't, IS.. if we put our COMPLETE TRUST in Him, He will continue to perform the impossible
Jesus said to her, “I am the RESURRECTION and the LIFE. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die." John 11:25, 26 
I haven't really gotten into too much on how all these parties, Bible studies, outreach projects, etc. began, but I will soon though, I promise. To make a long story short and A LOT to swallow, let's just say that I was pregnant with a dream for 5 years of my life and gave birth to it this year. The stupid devil deceived me and took me on a detour in my life but God ALWAYS remained in control regardless of the junk I got myself into. My Knight and Shining Armor came to my rescue (as always <3 ) and swept me away back right where I belonged - in His arms. Now we're back on track completing the good work He began in me (Phil. 1:6) and it's loads of fun and the adventure of a lifetime. Him never letting go of me - even if I had - reminds me of the scripture that says, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38, 39 And if that's not good news, then I don't know what is! Yayyy!
 Now this little baby (My Majesty's Ministry) is in it's infancy stage, but it's growing more and more every day and the lessons that He teaches me through this season are fun, rewarding and priceless. Life is not perfect by any means, but boy, does it feel good having Him ride out the storms in life right next to me, every step of the way. AAhhh! I love Him o-so-so-sooooo much! My desire and what I teach at these Princess Bible Studies every Monday (1006 Sage Lane, Edinburg, TX 6:30 - 8:30) is how to tap into a relationship with Him unlike anything you've ever experienced and how to undergo the transformation to unlock our destiny.
It seems like so much got in the way of this Luau, but regardless of everything that went on, God's will always prevails. I prayed asking Him if I should just cancel it because my Grandpa was (and still is) in the hospital and my family was such an integral part of helping me bring it all together, but I kept getting a solid "No", so needless to say I didn't touch it. lol I had planned to do so much, including decorating, days before the event actually came to pass, but my grandfather's grave condition threw us all for a loop. Oh, but is He good. He not only calms the storm and gives our hearts PEACE that surpasses all understanding, but He comes through in EXCESS, time and time and time again.
I'm pleased to announce that My Majesty's Ministry's First Annual Luau was a complete success and many women got to not only hear God's divine word spoken to them that day, but experience fun - true fun - in the name of Jesus Christ. This is only the beginning Princesses! He has SO much more up His sleeve that He's going to pour out and I want every single woman on Earth to be a part of it.
What would this blog be without the proof of our fun, right? haha Well, have no fear, the pictures are here! Enjoy! 
And keep checking in here at for all the details on next month's BONFIRE!! woop woop!!
This is some of the scrumpshy rumpshy food that we munched out on. There's a party in my tummy, so yummy, so yummy! hahah
Gloria playing one of our games!
Group pic <3
My Bestie, she's a sweetie pie <3 Team work! Whichever team finishes dressing and undressing first WINS!
I love everything about this pic! So much action going on LOL Trying to beat Moni, above. :-D
Once you completely dressed, you had to Hula Hoop, undress and pass your clothes on to the next team member. Woohoo! Look at Marissa go!
Anelle, one of our finalists in Limbo, stretching to get her game on lol
Gloria, our Limbo Champ!
Sillyness :-P
My cute lil sister, Sasha, getting ready to hit the pinata.
After I spun Darlene around 3 times, I think she got a little too dizzy and aimed for breaking lanterns instead of the pinata lol
Finally some candy comes outta this hula girl!
Monica hitting the pinata! We all agreed that the pinata looked like Darlene lol
I hadn't hit a pinata since I was maybe 10 years old. Can you tell I was thrilled? lol
My brother made his way into our pinata breaking session and decapitated our poor hula girl. I think some candies might've even flown to the next yard lol Good job, brother bear!
DoLLs <3
My sister calling it a night. That's a wrap, folks!

A very special THANK YOU to my friend Michelle for lending me some Luau decorations. Your decorations were so perfect, Michelle and I appreciate you so much. Thank you for lending such a helping hand. Love you, girly.

A special thanks to Mr. Gomez at PINATERIA UNIVERSAL for donating this beautiful hula girl pinata to My Majesty's Ministry. They custom-made her just for us. He has every pinata that you can possibly think of and their prices are extremely reasonable. Will definitely be going back for all of our pinata needs! =) Thank you Mr. Gomez!!! She was so pretty we didn't want to hit her LOL  
PINATERIA UNIVERSAL is located at 2 North Cage Blvd, Pharr, TX 78577; located inside Boler Farms on 83 right by the railroad tracks. 

A special thanks to H-E-B who donated $60 to My Majesty's Ministry. This is the second time H-E-B helps us this year and we are extremely grateful. Thank you H-E-B!!

Another huge thank you to BUFFALO WILD WINGS (3520 E. Exp. 83, McAllen, TX) for donating over 4 dozens of wings and a vegetable tray with all the dipping sauces. Thank you, Mgr. Israel Martinez for all your help and getting those wings out hot and ready to go w/in minutes! They were super yummy! 
A special THANK YOU to Jason's Deli (4100 N. Col. Rowe Blvd., McAllen, TX) for donating a platter of various croissant sandwiches. They were a complete hit, super fresh and delicious. Thank you, Mr. Huerta!!
Thank you to my wonderful family that supports everything that My Majesty's Ministry does and for being the type of family that pulls CLOSER together when things get tough. This should have been impossible to do but because God has placed each and every single one of you in my life, it wasn't. Thank you to the best step-dad in the world who stayed with my grandpa and cared for him in order to allow us to continue with the festivities. Thank you to my mama-bear who submits to God Almighty every single day of her life and allows him to use her in any way possible. Your beautiful hands hung so many decorations and made so much of the food, my heart doesn't know how to express my gratitude. My step-mom for coming out to support and experience this first ground-breaking event and helping my brother Jeff lug his DJ gear around to this party and all future ones lol My earthly father whose mind and heart is a box full of treasure that spills onto me, giving me ideas, knowledge and wisdom to attain. My heart sings over each and every one of my brothers and sisters, Charlie, Karla, my DJ Jeff ;) and Sasha. I love you more than my life itself and thank you for supporting me in all of my endeavors. 
And Thank YOU my Precious Lord for all you've done, are doing and will continue to do; none of this would have been possible without You. You make my life shine. Use me in these last days to infect this world with your love, joy, peace and deliverance. i am your humble servant. I love you.


UMMM.. OK. So, I wrote a blog yesterday w/pics and all, updating everyone on how My Majesty's Ministry very first LUAU was a complete success, posted it and now it's deleted?? Weird. Oh well.. I'll just have to re-post. Bear with me, plz. Thank you :*

Sunday, May 1, 2011

MY SWEET LOVE! Look what He did for US!

The Lord is such a precious gentleman; He's the man of my dreams! As you get to experience Him more in your life and as you go building that crazy-in-love (beyonce style haha)  relationship with Him, He becomes more like a best friend rather than just some invisible God that you pray to about stuff. You go including Him in all you do - you let Him take precedence in the CORE of your very being.

Knowing God does not come through a program or a method; it is a RELATIONSHIP with a PERSON. (more on the personage of Christ on a later date) It is an intimate love relationship w/God. Through this relationship, God reveals His will and INVITES us to join Him where He is already at work. When we obey, God accomplishes through US something only He can do. It is here that you get to experience Him at the work He does through you.

You know how when you have a "significant other" and you go get your hair done or maybe you bought a new outfit or just something as simple as changing your nail color.. you hope that he notices and compliments the small things. You want Him to take notice of how beautiful you are and not just take notice but SAY IT. For instance, "I like what you did to your hair, you look beautiful" Hearing and seeing stuff like that from the one you love just makes a girl feel darn good - plain and simple. 

Well, that's how our God is. He's into the smallest details of everything we do and He SAYS IT! Did you know that He dedicates songs to you on the radio? (both secular and Christian) Yep, that's right. He does. He talks to you about His love, your life and where He wants to take you through movies. He talks to you through the bright blue sky and radiant sun every morning that shine "Good morning, I Love Y-O-U". He loves us more than we can imagine and just a taste of His intoxicating love is enough to change you forever. I'll go into greater detail about how He talks to us through different things as He prompts me to in the future, but for now take that tidbit as something to ponder on if you've never experienced it. Just remember that the eyes we see these things with are not our own; we have to take off the blinders. In order to experience the above, we have to have an open ear and heart enough to see it. <3

Well, my dearies.. check out what He did for not only me, but you too! This will be a good practice in training our heart to accept things that He does. I know that He's excited about this LUAU (more than I am lol) because after all it was HIS idea .. all these parties are.. I'm just obeying to party haha that sounds funny, but it's true. These parties (and again, I'm sorry, but I'll write more on the parties and how I was instructed that they begin in the VERY NEAR future) are to "show them that I'm not boring, but I'm lots of fun" <-- His words exactly. He wants us to experience what TRUE fun is. He is the inventor of FUN, so therefore He knows how to do it BEST and the BEST is what we shall have through Him. 

Below is a picture of a pecan tree in my back yard. Just last week the leaves were small and it was pretty but it just didn't look full and as beautiful as it does when it's getting ready to give pecans. This week, it's almost as if it wanted to show off for the Luau and extended her arms and once little hands ... into some big bear-givin' leaves.

"You visit the earth and water it, You greatly enrich it; the river of God is full of water; You provide the people with grain, for so You have prepared it.
You water its furrows abundantly, settling its ridges, softening it with showers, and blessing its growth.
You crown the year with your bounty; Your wagon tracks overflow with richness.
The pastures of the wilderness overflow, the hills gird themselves with joy,
the meadows clothe themselves with flocks, the valleys deck themselves with grain, they shout and sing together for joy."
Psalm 65:9-13

This next one is my fave.. My parents did not plant any flowers after the last freeze we had and to our surprise we found these beautiful plants perfectly planted all along the pathway, around some trees and alongside the shed. This would've been expected to see winter's dead flowers and plants rise up again in the Spring but the only thing is that we've never had this type of plant (below); we actually don't even know what kind they are. At first we thought that maybe they grew out with the bags of mulch that my parents put all around the yard, but then realized it wouldn't make sense because the plants would've sprouted up everywhere. Plus, some parts of the yard didn't even have mulch! So we've come to the conclusion that He was our Perfect Gardener & put these beautiful plants right where my mommy had been desiring to see them.. and all in time and fully grown for His LUAU!

He is the ruler of ALL things (Psalm 8:6) and it feels really good to know that we serve a God that is in tune with even the smallest details of our life. Not a moment passes Him by and He doesn't sleep a wink. You are His priority. Make Him yours. :)