ok, so sorry I haven't posted in a while, it's just that things have been crazy-busy for My Majesty's Ministry - Thank God! He is doing everything He promised He would! We even have our own Radio Show!! More info and details on that later BUT FIRST - BONFIRE!!!!!!!!
This party is going to be monumental and life changing. I feel the Spirit of God stir every single time I talk about it, it never fails. I believe that the reason is because the symbolism behind this is so strong and uncanny. there are so many dead weights that drag us down to suffocate at the bottom of the sea of life and occasionally when we try coming up and gasping for air, IT or THEY tend to pull us back down. These weights are hindering you from fulfilling your destiny, the God-given purpose that was ordained before the foundation of the earth was laid. He knit you together in your mother's womb and brought you forth on the day that you were born; you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are not a mistake; He makes no mistakes. There is purpose for everyone walking this earth. Talents and gifts that are embedded inside your heart that no other human can accomplish. You are a unique design - God's masterpiece. Most of us never get to see what we were created for because we allow ourselves to hold on to people, things or thoughts that act as leeches in our life and suck us dry, but every day is a new day and is a chance to loose these things and let them go!
The BONFIRE will be a point of contact in our life for that to happen. This year and every year women will come from everywhere to be a part of this great divine appointment that breaks the chains this world has put us under. We'll be getting rid of everything that hinders us from fulfilling our DESTINY in CHRIST, throw it in the fire and BURN it!
Wouldn't you like to know what you were created for? God created your purpose before He designed you. He knew you before you were ever born. (Psalm 139:13-16) He loves you. His thoughts towards you are countless as the grains of sand on the seashore. Do you desire to know what it is that you were exclusively designed for? Well, here's your first step, my friend. Come <3